Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Do You Work?

You are called many things: Entrepreneur, Freelancer, Work From Home Parent, Telecommuter, and even a Green Office. One thing we can all agree on, if you have chosen this line of work you are dedicated to working despite the noise and distractions .... working from home there definitely can be a lot of them!

So the question I am posing today is: Where do you work? When you need to meet a client or just need to get out of the four walls you call home, where do you go?

Walk into any Starbucks and that seems like the obvious answer. Looking around you are pretty much guaranteed to see at least one person pecking away on their laptop, plus that woman in a track suit chatting on her cell phone ... well she just might be closing a $30,000 deal. I try to avoid Starbucks because they are crowded, but there are so many it does make a convenient meeting space.

In my quest to find the greatest escape from my home office I found the following places:

1) Main Street Coffee House in Vancouver, WA

Main Street Coffee is a great place to work, meet with a client, or simply enjoy some amazing fresh baked cookies. They have a great loft area above the hustle and bustle of the day to day business where you can easily get a great deal of work accomplished. An added bonus for me is that they are owned by a sweet married couple I met back when I was only 21 years old, it was a happy accident the first day I walked into the Coffee House and found them behind the counter!

2) Farrar's Bistro in Vancouver, WA

Farrar's is another favorite of mine, not just because they are less than half a mile from my house. But they have good food and a charming staff. The bistro can get quite crowded, but when I need some quiet I seek out their patio.

3) Corner Office, Inc.

This is not a service I have used, but I am researching it. They offer a conference room, discounted administrative services, and the use of physical address that is not your home all for a small monthly fee.

If you work remotely let me know where you go!

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