Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolution: Bringing My Work HOME ....

My resolution for the New Year .... Bring My Work Home!

Yep, you read that right. Now, let me clarify. As a project manager I have always had a very efficient system in place for work. Everything organized and done in a timely fashion. On the flip side, when I look at my life I see chaos and a bunch of open projects that don't get done ... at least not on time. So this year I decided to apply the same approach to my home & family life.

The first thing I had to do sounded simple, but I spent the better part of January 2nd making a schedule of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. I detailed out the time and days I would do just about everything ranging from things like cleaning the house and paying the bills to volunteering at my daughter's school and pedicures.

Then, I figured out my meal plan for the upcoming week. (This on my schedule for something I will do every Monday.) I have made meal plans in the past because it is a great way to save money, limit trips to the store, and eat healthier. . . If you have a healthy meal planned out and shopped for you really are less likely do opt for the quick/greasy fix.

As someone who works from home I found it was also important to schedule my work hours. I have threatened to do this for the past few years, but never really sat down and done it. Now with my schedule in place it will afford me the opportunity to have a better work life balance and not spend every night in the office on the computer. Yes, tonight was on the schedule!

I would love to hear about your resolutions for work & for home!

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