Thursday, June 17, 2010

Proven Ways To Finally Get Rid Of Your Muffin Top!!

When I got the idea to write this I was thinking it would be a spoof. You see them everywhere ... little pop-up ads claiming instant results for weight loss without a change of diet or any additional exercise. It is a marketing ploy plain and simple ... they make a huge promise with exciting photos to lure people into clicking on their link. After you get past all the bold print and photos you will realize blah blah blah. I get so frustrated with marketers assuming the general public is stupid and I personally find it offensive, but the realize .... I DID click on it ..... sigh.

Just like I believe printing can be affordable, I also believe that marketing doesn't have to be sleazy. If getting rid of your muffin top is why you clicked on this link I do know of three sure fire ways to get rid of muffin top and I won't charge you a thing to read them! That's right three FREE tips ...

1) Buy bigger pants. Honestly, most of the time I notice a serious issue it is related to fit. I know from first hand experience how hard it is to move up to that next size, but it is worth it in the end. If nothing else just get yourself one new pair of pants until you loose that last 5 lbs. I recommend the Kut from the Kloth jeans as a good compromise. They are fairly priced and of a decent quality. Hold off on the $100+ jeans until you are happier with your shape.

Look at the photo above, she probably could look very cute in pants a size (or two) larger.

2) Go for a run 4 days a week. When I say run I don't mean 7 minute miles, just run at a pace you can keep up for 40 minutes (or more) and you will notice that your stomach flattens out dramatically within a short period of time. If you can't run for at least 40 minutes yet, be patient with your body .. you will get there!

3) Go raw/vegan! I did a 7 day fruits and vegetables only diet and the results were AMAZING!! Of course, I love cheese and didn't keep it up more than the 7 days and within another 7 days things went back to normal. A plan like this might not be ideal for long term, but we all have had those weekends where we want to look extra great and slip into the size smaller jeans, right? If you are working with a short time frame this is an option. Oh, the other benefit was that I felt great and it kept me motivated to stay on track even after I brought back other foods to my diet. (When I did this the first time I did it with the professional help of super amazing trainer, Derrick DeLay ... check out his site @!)

Let me know of something that you have noticed worked well for you ... I want to hear from you!

Best of luck!

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