Saturday, July 3, 2010

Featured Small Business of the Month July 2010: Babyface Skin Care

The small for now, small business of Babyface Skin Care started only two years ago with just one product: Hyaluronic Acid Serum. Traci Tran, a woman with an amazing sense of fashion and appreciation for quality, brought it in to supplement a thriving boutique fashion resale store on eBay. Quickly it became evident that people were craving more and more of high end products at an affordable price and as a result she shifted her focus from resale clothing to beauty products. Tran says, “It has to not only work very well, but I have to be able to offer it at an affordable price. I decided long ago that I would offer the products at affordable prices and take smaller profits so that everyone can enjoy quality, not just those who have the money to buy a $300 jar of eye cream or drop $500 at the Spa or Salon on treatments.”

In less than 2 years this went from a small venture that featured one product on eBay to an online store with more than 20 products. How did this happen? Tran says, “The big boom has pretty much been just within the last year, and the majority of that within the last 9 months. I'd say we are pretty blown away at the growth.” With such dramatic growth in such a short time can we expect to see even more from Babyface? Tran says they are working to streamline production of current products and even looking to carry some new items based on customer feedback. Many different distributorships and business owners are trying to get in on the action at Babyface, but Tran is wisely waiting until they get all their processes in place before moving forward with a major change. The first goal is to get Babyface Pure Protein on shelves at Ulta stores across the US. Tran explains, that she likes “ULTA because they have the same philosophy as I do, they are affordable quality.”

The advertising that has gotten Babyface into just about every country across the globe: word of mouth. No joke. There is not a huge advertising budget, just consistent quality service and product, a perfect feedback score on eBay, and an informative blog. Some new branding efforts include custom packaging, brochures, and a website designed by us! They recently also added a Facebook fan page that will allow customers to provide input, keep up on trends within the company, and any special promotions. If you aren’t already a fan of the products I suggest becoming a fan to learn more about it!

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