Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Exploring North Portland

Gloria and I went out on an adventure after school yesterday. We got off the 5 on Rosa Parks Way and stopped by the Peninsula City Park that was overflowing with young families. After we had made two new best friends we decided it was time to continue our adventure.

Just down the street from the park, in a charming neighborhood filled with vintage homes, we saw an open house and decided to stop in. We were greeted by stunning details, gorgeous hardwoods, and a friendly sales representative with fresh cookies. Gloria loved the home, especially the attic! I loved the fact that this new home had such a classic and authentic vintage look--when I first saw it I thought it was a remodel because it blends so well with the rest of the neighborhood. The home was oozing with charm and with the upstairs laundry it is really perfect for the modern family! If you are looking for new homes Portland Oregon you should definitely stop by!

After snacking on cookies and exploring all four levels of that gorgeous vintage home we decided to explore more of North Portland. We saw the sign for Eddie's Flat Iron Pizza and decided that sounded like something worth trying. The biggest problem at Eddie's is deciding what to order ... we decided on cheese pizza and some of their fresh bread and we were not disappointed!

What neighborhood should we explore next?