Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer in the NW is Almost Over ...

The past several mornings I have had to grab a sweater. By the early afternoon there is no longer a need for the sweater, but the crisp morning air makes me realize Fall is just around the corner. There was a time that this made me sad, but as a busy working mom I welcome the change in season's.

Since our summer's are so short we tend to try to cram too much into them. July and August has been a steady stream of BBQ's with friends, camping trips, and many other adventures. . . not to mention we are all still working! The kids may be home and the weather may be nice, but there is still work to be done.

I have had a great summer with friends and family, but welcome Fall with open arms!

Working parents .... what are some tricks you have for making summer's fun for you and the kids without feeling so overwhelmed?